Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. At Pacific Coast Osteopathy our physicians have extensive experience treating patients who have been suffering from chronic conditions. Patients who are often told by western medicine that there is no answer, other than strong medications, injections, and or surgery. Patients who may have tried other forms of Alternative Medicine, such as Accupuncture, Chiropractic care, and more without success. The Traditional Osteopathic approach can provide improvement and often complete resolution of pain. Understanding that a chronic condition in one area of the body is often related to issues and imbalances in other parts of the body. Our physicians treat the patient as a whole and create balance which allows these chronic conditions to improve and for pain to resolve. When necessary our physicians will incorporate stress management planning, meditation guidance, chi gong, stretching exercises and more.
Some of the issues successfully treated by our physicians include:
- Lasting Lower Back Pain
- Low Back Pain due to Disc Herniation/Buldge
- Sciatica
- Chronic Hip or Sacro-iliac Joint Pain
- Chronic Headaches and Migraines
- Vertigo
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Insomnia/ Sleep Disturbances
- Anxiety